Supporting the Mission
There are many ways that you can support the Dothan Rescue Mission. Be it your time, talent, or financial contribution, any help is much appreciated.

Kitchen & Chapel
We are now in the process of updating our kitchen and chapel. Last year, Wired Ministries challenged the kids that attended through an imitative called Game Changers.
Dothan Rescue Mission was one of the recipients of those funds. We look forward to the process and being able to show the kids that attend this year how much we have been able to do because of their willingness to help.

Distribution Center/Bailing Warehouse
The bailing warehouse was opened in 2014. The warehouse serves a dual purpose for the Rescue Mission. First, it saves us money on disposal fees. Instead of throwing something away that we cannot use in the stores, we can send it to other countries.
Second, by sending the items to other countries, we can make money on those items.
Mission News
2019 Stats
For more information about volunteering please feel free to reach out to us at (334) 794-4637